Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Kind of Coming Out and a Confession

Well, for those of you who haven't figured it out already, I'm a submissive.

A what?

A submissive. Someone who's foremost desire is to submit and please, who is happiest and healthiest with someone else else in control.

I had a big long post semi-written up where I explained all of this, and then realized what I was doing.

I was trying to justify myself, but there's no justification needed.

I am a submissive. I am not weak, or stupid, I'd just much rather my dom (Chris) be in control.

It's honestly that simple. I don't know why I've been so ashamed of the way I am for so long. So ashamed that I've been writing about it at another site instead of just coming out and saying it.

That is who I am. I am no longer ashamed of being who I am.

More anon.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Just read every post at Feminafortis back into September 2007, and I'm only stopping 'cause I've got to go to bed.

Can't seem to comment on that site as I don't know the security code, so I'm leaving my comments here.

You write very well -- on a topic (D/s) about which it's difficult for most to write coherently. Impressive. Keep going!

Melody Byrne said...

Thank you very much.

Commenting is fixed, thank you for letting me know.

George Groot said...

Thank you for writing everything you have over at Femina Fortis. Please don't feel ashamed by the anonymous blogging, sometimes it is the only way to find the freedom to say what you need to say.